Het Nederlandse rugbyteam voor spelers onder 20 jaar is gisteravond in Praag "Rugby Europe U20 Champions" geworden! Lees hier verder op de NOS site (https://nos.nl/artikel/2498497-oranje-wint-jeugd-ek-rugby-en-gaat-zich-meten-met-grote-landen-enorme-stap)!
We willen graag onze trots en dankbaarheid uitspreken in een korte open brief:
Dear U20 team,
We would like to share some words of appreciation and pride. As you know, better than we do, this final was so much more than just winning! You guys, the whole team of players and staff, have opened the doors to a whole other level of Rugby, where all of our dedicated players from all Academies and from our Regional Rugby squads can in the future thrive on a serious international level and develop and grow into the best versions of themselves.
This is a major leap for Rugby in the Netherlands. Although many of the younger players will not completely grasp how you guys are materializing their dreams, they are also damn lucky that you guys will be there again to inspire them on the Academy, Club or during the next RR events. At the same time a big thank you to all those other great people (indirectly) involved in this great adventure; all the clubs, Rugby Netherlands and the endless sea of volunteers putting in the hard work.
We in the RAMO community, have the honorable job to keep on doing what we are doing and on a daily basis support our RAMO and Regional Players. The context in which we are doing it however, is getting nicer and nicer by the minute ;-). You guys are paving the way, we just need to make sure we are always prepared and ready to support Dutch Rugby!
The complete RAMO Team
A word of special pride to all of our RAMO ALUMNI. You guys ROCK!
- Berend de Graaf
- Joey Buskens
- Jules Swier
- Lars Maaswinkel
- Max van Hilst
- Mike Hansen
- Olivier van Esch
- Vikas Meijer